This is the beginning of the love story between

You & Your Baby!

Pregnancy is an emotional ride, full of uncertainty and excitement, confusion and the most all-consuming giddiness! Whether you are having your first or your fifth, I am here to support your physical and mental health along the way!

I am Coach Uwem.

Mother of Four.

Cesarean Mom x2.

And Homebirth Mom after 2 Cesarean… x2!

Diastasis Recti-Aware Personal Trainer

Mental Health Advocate and Certified Life Coach

And a trauma-informed Recovery Coach for Women

I have both training and experience to support you through this birth and beyond.

What does it look like to work with the WALKING DOULA?

Up to 30 prenatal walking sessions to keep you active and get emotionally ready for labor.

Up to THREE (3) prenatal date nights for expecting parents with kids (Ages 1-10 years old).

An advocate to explain medical jargon and uphold your birth plan on your behalf during labor.

Up to THREE (3) Months of post-partum support including post-partum mom care, and baby care, so you can take a nap.

And more services available, so book a consult so we can chat!

Every Mom Deserves Support.

We are working to accept Medi-Cal and we appreciate any donation you would like to make to cover the expenses for a Mom of Color in the Sacramento area.


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