You have the most precious Message.

stand up & Stand out.

Church Branding & Redesign

Church has CHANGED a lot this yearā€¦

But has your delivery and approach had a hard time keeping up?

As a self-proclaimed Jesus FREAK, I know you are cautious to never alter the message. We know Godā€™s Word is sharp and powerful, but we live in a fast-paced world where attention spans are short and our opportunity to engage and connect with those who need Godā€™s message can present and be lost in a matter on seconds. Did you know that a book cover needs to grab our attention AND give us enough info within TWO seconds?!

TWO Seconds!

Our brains process info faster than we realize and that doesnā€™t slow down when they happen to be scrolling on a church IG page.

In addition to being a graphic designer, I am also a recovery ministry leader and former ā€œpreacherā€™s wifeā€ turned ministry partner and church planter. My husband and I have been teaching and ministering for almost 2 decades in tons of different roles and we have a passion for Godā€™s people and supporting godly leaders. We have done it ALL, and we pray that you recognize that you donā€™t have to.

We offer graphic design support as well as ministry coaching/support as well.

Book a Design consult to see how we can help.

Ready to get started?



Social Media Design


Logo Design