Branding and Logo Design

Your Logo?

Your Fonts?

Your Colors?

Your Language?

Your Brand is so much more than that!


You are talented, and you have BIG plans!

I hear ya!

You are building your empire now, and drowning in all the to doā€™s of business.

I get it!

You want to stand out and be recognized for the work you do.

We all do!

Unleashed! BRAND Coaching
from $499.00

Many entrepreneurs enter the business space with goals but an unclear vision. During this 60-120 min session, we will:

*Define your MISSION.

*Write out your VISION.

*Establish your next steps in applying for your business entity


All the basics to get moving with your branding!


  • 60-min Review & Recommend Session

  • 120-min Develop & Design Session

  • 3-month Business Launch Coaching (6 -30min- sessions + Logo + Social Media Spread!!) (BEST VALUE!)

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I am Coach Uwem.

And I see you!

Let me help your clients see you too!

Logo Gallery


Most designers are not great listeners. They are talented creatives with beautiful ideas and the skills to make it happen, but they donā€™t take the time to get to know YOU.

I had a logo ā€œprofessionallyā€ done a few years ago and all of my info was captured with an online form and I had ZERO contact with any actual person. I sent it back, and 3 edits later, I still donā€™t like it.


Because they didnā€™t understand the personality or the mission of my brand or who my audience was or what caught THEIR attention. So I realized the gap in the design world was listening and connection.

I am a mindset coach and the benefit for my clients is that I am also one who is also really talented at brand creation. I refine my listening skills daily with clients who are in the midst of beginning a new and beautiful phase of their lives through healing and self-discovery. So listening to them after weeks or months makes brand creation a lot of fun! I invite you to join the 3-month UNLEASHED brand coaching program. You will meet with me, Coach Uwem, for 6 30-min sessions to develop your companyā€™s MVPs (Mission, Values, and Pillars) and create a profile of your ideal client. It is the first step toward developing your brand identity which includes your custom Logo Suite (3 designs), Brand colors and an explanation of the color theory behind it.

All Logo Designs with Coach Uwem begin with Brand Coaching.

Coach Uwem & Logosā€¦

Logo Design is often the first thing we relate to our company image, but often the most underestimated element of your brand identity. Logo Design is more than a cute symbol or your favorite font. It is your mark in an often over-saturated industry. Your logo is what causes potential customers to pause and remember you. It is the marker that allows your clients to recognize your work apart from any other. Your logo communicates faster than your actual words will have a chance to, especially in our ultra fast-paced society. 

Did you know that a book cover has to grab your attention and give you all the info you need within TWO seconds or most people wonā€™t even bother to pick it up? 

Two seconds! 

Thatā€™s where I come in. I design to bring feeling, recognition, and interest to your brand, so it says what you want it to say, AND it says it fast enough to matter for your business. 


first comes an ideaā€¦

Then comes branding!

or letā€™s just get startedā€¦

Unleashed! BRAND Coaching
from $499.00
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LuxLaunch CUSTOM Business Cards
from $180.00
Special Finishes:
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Church Branding Redesign


E-Commerce Design