It’s time to OWN our stories and use them to DISRUPT toxic systems.
HEALING is more than a hashtag. It is the basis of our IMPACT on the world!!
#HolyHotHead #YourStoryMatters #HealingIsMyClapBACK #h3isms #OVHCeveryday #AMW #WATRmoves
Healing Begins When You Speak: The Healing Power of #VOICEit Groups
UnHEAL-ing People Shouldn’t Get A VOTE.
Business is EMOTIONAL!
“Church” is the wanna-be side piece, not the Bride of Christ.
Choose Healing: It’s Worth it
But why The #HolyHotHead?
Are you using God’s words so you can lie to yourself?
Real Talk: You're Only Hurting Yourself by Ignoring Your Issues
I know you are like, “Dis chick is nuts! I have built this business….closed that deal…cleared 6-figures.” And I know you have. But have you ever done something freakin AMAZING and the buzz just fizzled or wasn’t quite as WOW! as you expected it to be? It’s you. Your heart isn’t settled. So would you say you really achieved your dream? Or was it a goal that you THOUGHT would make a difference and it didn’t? Your dreams don’t feel the same when you're too busy pretending everything's all good.
“Dude, You had ONE job.”
F~ing triggerED…
I remember going to the park one day with our family and I saw a woman who had this gorgeous tattoo going down her leg. “Wow!! That’s gorgeous!” and as soon as that benign thought popped into my mind, the next thought shattered my heart all over again. “She’s probably the kind of woman he stares at online and imagines f***ing when he’s stuck with you.” I was startled and instantly nauseated. I don’t even know if I was coherent if someone was talking to me. It felt like time froze just long enough for me to really settle in how much that thought hurt. I don’t swear. For about 15 years, I didn’t even think profanity. I was attending an ultra-conservative, traditional church that focused heavily on silencing and stuffing emotions more than actually healing them. (Continue reading…)