Healing Begins When You Speak: The Healing Power of #VOICEit Groups

Why #VOICEit Groups Exist—and Why We Need Them

Every one of us has a story, a tangled web of experiences that shapes who we are and how we navigate the world. For many women, those stories include chapters they never wanted to write—moments of being silenced, dismissed, or told that their feelings were too much or their voices too loud. That’s where #VOICEit groups come in.

#VOICEit groups exist because women need space to be fully themselves. For too long, many of us have carried our pain alone, quietly navigating the weight of unhealthy relationships, unspoken traumas, and toxic narratives that told us to shrink ourselves. In these spaces, we reclaim our right to speak, to feel, and to heal—not in isolation, but in the company of other women who truly get it.

The Power of Speaking and Being Heard

There’s something deeply transformative about speaking your truth in a room full of people who understand. Not because they want to fix you, but because they see you. The world often tells us to move on, get over it, or stop making such a big deal out of things. But in #VOICEit groups, we do the opposite. We hold space for each other. We acknowledge that pain, no matter how small or large, is valid. We give each other the freedom to process without shame.

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, in his groundbreaking book The Body Keeps the Score, writes about how trauma can physically lodge itself in our bodies when we don’t process it. Suppressed emotions—anger, sadness, fear—don’t just disappear; they fester. When we find safe spaces to release those emotions, we give our bodies and souls permission to heal. #VOICEit groups are those spaces.

Why These Spaces Are Vital

So many of us have lived under narratives that told us we were too much—or not enough. Whether it’s the church, cultural norms, or society at large, women are often conditioned to carry the burdens of others while denying their own needs. For women leaders—pastors, entrepreneurs, moms, wives—this burden is magnified. You’re expected to pour out endlessly, to lead boldly, but to do so in a way that doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable.

#VOICEit groups say: enough. Enough with the silence. Enough with the perfectionism. Enough with putting yourself last. These groups create an environment where you can show up messy, vulnerable, and honest, and still be celebrated for who you are.

They are especially needed during seasons like the holidays, when family dynamics, old wounds, and societal expectations often collide. For some, this time of year brings joy. For others, it brings triggers, grief, or conflict. In #VOICEit groups, you don’t have to carry any of it alone. You’re not judged, rushed, or told to “focus on the good.” You’re just given permission to be exactly where you are.

A Revolution in Community

Creating #VOICEit groups is about more than venting or surface-level encouragement. It’s about revolutionizing the way we show up for one another. It’s about deconstructing the harmful teachings that told us God preferred our silence or that healing should be private and neat. These groups are rooted in the belief that healing is disruptive—that God’s love is big enough to handle our loudest cries and our messiest truths.

These groups exist to remind women that their voices matter. That their stories, no matter how broken, are sacred. That they don’t have to navigate healing alone.

A Personal Invitation

If you’ve ever felt like your voice doesn’t matter, #VOICEit groups are for you. If you’re tired of carrying it all alone, if you’re ready to process your story in a safe and empowering space, I invite you to join us. Together, we can reclaim what was silenced, repair what was broken, and remind one another of the power we carry.

Your voice is worthy. Your story is sacred. And in #VOICEit groups, you will always have a seat at the table.

Coach Uwem | ALL MADE WELL Recovery Coach & Founder

Coach Uwem is THE #HolyHotHead. The DECONSTRUCTION Coach for women leaders and pastors. And co-Founding Pastor of We Are The Refuge, a community for post-Deconstruction Christians.

Passionate about women seeing their beauty, their purpose, and their FIRE as a gift from God to be used, Coach Uwem runs self-love groups, #VOICEit circles and 1:1 Coaching Programs to help women see themselves like God does. If you want to be BOLDLY authentic in every area of your life and see the IMPACT you can have through CHRISTLIKE DISRUPTION, connect with her in our AMW Community on Mighty Networks.


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